The Yuba-Sutter Amateur Radio Club
Breakfast At Dancing Tomato Cafe
Join us for breakfast at the Dancing Tomato Caffe, 990 North Walton Ave, Yuba City (in front of Sam's Club). We meet about 7:30 AM every Wednesday. Guests are always welcome. Hope to see you there.
Fox Hunt 2nd Saturday of the Month when Announced
Beginning at 9 AM, the fox will be transmitting from somewhere in Yuba City on 146.565 MHz. When you arrive at the location, you'll have an opportunity to find a second, low-power transmitter on foot. We'll have some refreshments and a chance to share hunting stories.
Starting Tuesday Jan 7, 2025, the club will be sponsoring a technician Class. Classes will be held at the Red Cross Center, 2125 Onstott Road, Yuba City located in classroom 2. Sessions are from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The exam session is to be determined We will teach everything future hams need to know to pass the exam. Test taking hints will be provided. The class is free but students will need a copy of the ARRL Ham Radio Technician Manual, 5th ed. Students may purchase a manual themselves or order one through one of the instructors at a 20% discount. The instructors are Curtis (KF6VFP and Joe (N9BD). To sign up send an email to Curtis [email protected]